Strength Training And Endurance

Strength Training And Endurance – A Beginner’s Guide

Strength training is the process of exercising with resistance to strengthen the musculoskeletal system. In simple words, any form of exercise that uses some kind resistance (like machines, dumbbells, resistance bands, or even self body weight), will strengthen the muscles and bones in the body, and this is Strength Training. It is often addressed by various names like resistance training, weight training, toning, etc.

Why Are Muscles So Important?

Muscles are used every time the body makes a movement. From blinking eyes to running and climbing stairs, for any activity muscles are used. Muscles can contract, relax and release force. The more muscles the body has, the more is the calorie burning capacity, which means these are metabolically active tissues, which means higher BMR. Apart from all the benefits of strong muscles, this is the highlight – muscles burn calories, reduces fat, and makes us fit. And, strength training helps in developing these muscles. Not only while a person is exercising does he burns calories, but long after the workout is over.

How To Introduce Strength Training Workout In Daily Routine ?

To look like the ladies in the pictures who never seem to have gained a pound in their lives, we need to use such exercises to our benefit.

  • Rather than low impact, monotonous movements, these exercises are high intensity with variations that will not be similar to each other.
  • Perrform the exercises in cycles, including at least three cycles.
  • Incorporate strength training routine for 3-4 days in a week.
  • Combine the routine with cardio exercises for best fat burning results.
  • It would take 2 to 3 months to see the sexy side you thought you never had.
  • Once you do, the lean muscle mass you gain would burn more calories on an average, and so, you would continue to look toned
Strength training like other exercises must be done after consultation with your physician, and the classes should be with certified instructors. If you want to go solo on the same, the initial investment is only a pair of dumbbells and good shoes. Start with at least a 5 pounds dumbbell and build it up.

1. Warm-Up The warm-up should be dynamic and should include stretching all the major muscle groups including legs, arms, and shoulders. There should be a 5-10 minute warm up, and the heart rate should be slightly elevated after the warm up.

2. Legs Legs are the biggest muscle group and are able to bear the maximum weight. Squats and lunges are done in repetitions to build endurance. Leg raises and kicks are also a must.

3. Hips Squats and kicks make up this portion. Skier squats are particularly challenging. 4. Shoulder And Arms Various push-ups and plank positions are repeated to increase endurance. Bicep curls add further to the torture.

5. Chest The most common exercises include chest flies. 6. Cool Down Cool down includes static stretching and bringing the heart rate down.

It’s recommended to introduce two upper body and two lower body strength training sessions (four in total) in one week. Never target same muscles on two consecutive days. Another option is to do a full body routine three times a week. Cardio can be done for 15-20 minutes prior and after these routines as warm up and cool down. Long duration cardio or the lat pull down HIIT can be performed on the rest days between each resistance training routine.

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