Strength Training For Women

Strength Training For Women

It is for anyone who wants to look hot, and that goes for you ladies who assume dumbbells give you muscles. If cardio burns calories, a strength training routine defines those sexy muscles. You would not only lose weight but also tone your body.

Considering the hectic lives we lead today, it is only important that we build on our strength reserves. Exercise for strength training effectively equips you to go through the daily grind of home or office work without feeling tired or depleted. These top 13 strength training exercises are a sure fire way of starting off an effective strength training routine in your daily lives.
Grab those dumbbells and follow me.

Top 13 Strength Training Exercises

1. Dumbbell Squats

Any list comprising of strength training exercises is bound to have squats on it. A basic everyday movement, whether you are sitting on a chair or picking up an item from the floor, squats can be done the simple way or you can use barbells or dumbbells while doing squats to effectively build more strength and stamina.
  1. Make sufficient space around you and stand with feet slightly apart.
  1. Ensure the back is straight.
  1. Hold two light weight dumbbells in each hand.
  1. Bend the arms at the elbows and hold the dumbbells near your shoulders, palms facing forward.
  1. Here, bend your knees and squat into a seating position.
  1. Do not allow your knees to reach past the toes.
  1. Simultaneously, raise your hands above the head.
  1. Hold for a breath and return to the first position.
  1. Continue for at least 15 repetitions.
This classic routine works out all the major leg muscles including thighs, lower legs, and hips and, if done correctly, it also strengthens the upper body.

2. Dumbbell Lunges

Working on the same muscles as squats, the lunge is a form of one of the primary movement patterns such as walking up and down the stairs, up and down hill or simply walking. You can perform simple lunges or use dumbbells to build up more strength and stamina.
  1. Stand with your feet hip-distance apart.
  1. Hold the dumbbells in your hands and let your arms hang to the sides.
  1. Step forward with your right leg and bend at the knee.
  1. As you lower into the lunge, your knee should be at a 90-degree angle to the floor.
  1. The knee of the left leg is now facing the floor.
  1. Your hands should rest on both the sides of your body.
  1. Hold the position for a breath and then return to the first position.
  1. Now step ahead with the left leg and lunge forward.
  1. Continue the lunges for 15 repetitions.

3. Deadlifts

Along with squats, deadlifts are also one of the most important exercises for strength training. Combining squats and pull, the deadlift works effectively to build stamina even as you squat down to pull up weights. Working out all the major muscles in the lower and upper body, deadlifts are integral to strength training.
  1. Stand with your feet hip-distance apart.
  1. Grab the barbell while keeping your back straight. Hold it at hip height.
  1. Bend your knees slightly and lower the bar till it reaches your shins.
  1. Don’t move the bar. Keep it over your mid foot.
  1. Keep your back straight. Do not squeeze your shoulder blades or drop your hips.
  1. Hold for a few seconds.
  1. Pull back slowly bringing the bar the initial hip height.
  1. Continue for 12-15 repetitions.

4. Pull-Ups


Pull-ups effectively work out all the big pulling muscles of the body such as the back muscles, the shoulders, and the arms. Pull ups are great workout techniques for firming, toning, strengthening and building all these muscle groups. They are also great exercises for burning fat and assisting weight loss.

  1. Hang on a bar with your hands more than shoulder width apart.
  1. Pull your entire body up until the bar reaches chin level.
  1. Pause for two to three seconds and then lower your body.
  1. Do 15 reps.

5. Lateral Pull Down

Equally effective as the pull-up, the lat pull-down works on all the same muscle groups and is easier to perform by beginners as the load is more easily adjusted. The lat pull down is an open chain exercise as opposed to the closed chain exercises mentioned above. Closed chain exercises involve pushing or pulling against immovable objects whereas open chain exercises causes the resistance that is being pushed or pulled against to actually move.

  1. Sit down on a pull-down machine and adjust the seat so that you can easily reach for the bar hanging above.
  1. Grab the bar with the palms forward, as shown in the pic.
  1. Bring your torso back at an angle of around 30 degrees with a slight curve in your back.
  1. Pull down the bar till it reaches your chest, by moving the shoulders and upper arms downwards and backwards at the same time.
  1. Hold for a second and feel the squeeze in your shoulder blades.
  1. Release the bar and bring it back to its original position.
  1. Continue this for 15 repetitions.

6. Bent Over Row


The bent over row is another great strength training exercise that works on all the same muscle groups as pull-ups or lat pull-downs. As you pull up the barbell or dumbbells to your torso, it moves you away from your center of mass pulling you forward and off balance and even as you push yourself against gravity to stay steady, this workout effectively works on your core strength.
Hold the barbell or dumbbells at hip length. Bend your knees slightly, keep the back straight, and bring your torso forward until your back is almost parallel to the floor.
  1. Lift the dumbbells towards you and make sure keep the back stationary.
  1. Keep your elbows close to your body and ensure to pull the weights with your forearm strength.
  1. Squeeze your back muscles in this position.
  1. Hold for a few seconds and then slowly lower the dumbbells to their starting position.
  1. Repeat this for 15 times.

7. Bicep Curls

Lifting barbells while standing with a strong underhand grip is known as bicep curls. Bicep curls effectively work on the major upper body muscles and help build stamina.
  1. Stand with feet slightly apart on the floor.
  1. Hold dumbbells weighing 5 pounds each in either hand.
  1. Start with your arms on either side.
  1. Now, curl them upwards (2).
  1. Bend your arms at the elbows and bring them up towards the shoulders.
  1. Hold the dumbbells firmly, facing towards your body.
  1. Simultaneously, bring your left knee up, parallel to the floor.
  1. Hold the position for three seconds.
  1. Return to the first position and switch sides, this time raising the right knee.
  1. Perform 15 repetitions.
In addition to your biceps, you will have worked your hamstrings and butt as well.

8. Forward Squats


This is a variation of the squats. You won’t need dumbbells for this. You are essentially defining your hands, abs, and legs with this exercise.
  1. First, step ahead with your right leg and squat.
  1. Meanwhile, bring both your hands forward and touch the fingers to the floor.
  1. Return to the first position.
  1. Next, step ahead with your left leg.
  1. Squat and touch the fingers to the floor again.
  1. Continue 15 repetitions.

9. Plank Raise

This exercise is ideal for your upper back and abs too.
  1. Begin by taking your position on the floor on your forearms and toes.
  1. Balance on your forearms and ensure your body is aligned in a straight line.
  1. Hold for a few seconds.
  1. Slowly raise your hips upwards, making a V shape.
  1. Hold and return.
  1. Perform 15 repetitions.

10. Push-Ups

Anybody who actively works out on a daily basis would know how to do a basic push-up, but it is important to know why pushups are so integral to strength training. Push-ups build up the shoulders, chest, and triceps, and it also requires core strength to maintain a safe, neutral spine position throughout this exercise.

  1. Get into the high plank position, with hands firmly on the ground and directly under your shoulders.
  1. Keep your body parallel to the ground.
  1. Tighten your core muscles and lower your body until your chest grazes the floor.
  1. Don’t let your butt dip or stick out at any point during the move.
  1. Push your body back to its original position.
  1. Perform 10 to 20 repetitions.

11. Bench Press

A popular workout routine for most bodybuilding enthusiasts, the bench press is integral to strength training. It works on all the pushing muscles namely the chest, shoulders, and triceps.
  1. Lie down with your back aligned against a flat bench, with knees bent and your feet firmly on the floor.
  1. Your eyes should be lined under the barbell.
  1. Hold the bar firmly with both hands at an L-shaped angle.
  1. Raise the bar, by straightening your arms. Move it over the shoulders while keeping your elbows locked.
  1. Lower the bar to your mid-chest by tucking in your elbows at a 75 degrees angle.
  1. Hold for a second.
  1. Raise the bar again over shoulders and repeat the above motion.
  1. Continue for 12-15 repetitions.

12. Burpees

The new term “burpees” is all the rage now. A burpee is also known as the squat thrust, and is a full body exercise used in strength endurance training and as an aerobic exercise. It is performed in four counts.
  1.  Begin in a standing position.
  1. Drop into a squat position with your hands on the ground. (count 1)
  1. Extend your feet back in one quick motion to assume the front plank position. (count 2)
  1. Return to the squat position in one quick motion. (count 3)
  1. Return to standing position. (count 4)

13. Running

Any strength training workout done out in the open would definitely include running as it effectively builds up stamina and works on all the major leg muscles. You can simply run to improve core strength or even jump over hurdles as you run.

Sample Strength Training Plan

DayStrength TrainingCardio
MondayLower Body
TuesdayUpper Body
ThursdayLower Body
FridayUpper Body

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